There’s little we can do to influence forthcoming government budget changes, and whilst it’s always advisable to expect the worst and hope for the best when it comes to external changes and initiatives, spring is a good time to review your finances.
Firstly without doubt leaving the dark dull days of winter gives everyone a spring in their step. With the budding of snowdrops, lighter evenings and (slightly) warmer temperatures most of us have a bit of renewed energy to tackle some of those lurking jobs (budgets!) that we’ve been putting off since the turn of the year.
Here’s five reasons why now is a great time to review your budget.
The Christmas Hangover…
Is long gone, and no, we don’t mean the traditional hangover! The spend and finance hangover. The credit card statements should be in, Christmas money spent, and you’ll have a clear view of what you need to pay off over the coming months. We’ve also got a bit of a reprieve from all the Christmas parties and Santa visits meaning the next few months may feel a bit more manageable financially.
Warmer temperatures
With spring around the corner we’re all hoping it gives us an opportunity to cut down on some of our house and car running costs, dropping the heating down slightly, relying a bit less on the tumble drier, or opting to walk instead of driving helps so cut down on gas, electric and petrol costs (albiet slightly!) as well as helping you get more fresh air and those all important steps in.
The great (free) outdoors
When the weather is brighter we usually feel more inclined to spend more time outdoors, apart from the natural health benefits it’s also free which is a win win in our eyes. After school trips to the park (free) are more appealing than paid activities or sitting at home with heating on full blast.
Planning for summer
Costs can creep up in the summer months, al fresco drinks, family days out, paid holiday clubs and summer holidays all need budgeting for. Now is a great time to start thinking, planning and budgeting for what you may need over the summer months.
Brighter days
As we’ve previously mentioned most people tend to feel a bit brighter, more positive and energetic with the brighter days coming. This is a good time to tackle some of the financial worries you may have hidden in the back of your winter wardrobe. Taking some positive action, making a plan and sharing your financial problems can make a massive difference to your situation this year.
At IVAorg we’ve spent the start of the year talking, chatting and advising people who are worried about finances. Not all of these people need an IVA, in fact we’re delighted when they don’t. Some people have been wrongly advised, and for some we’re the first people they’ve spoken to. Whatever your circumstances, if you’re worried about debt, finances or you’re not sure you’ve been given the right advice we’d love you to get in touch so you can enjoy a brighter spring.
There’s still ¾ of 2023 left, brighter days are coming – we want them to come for you too.